

Dec 14, 2022Leave a message

How much do you know about Tribulus terrestris?

Tribulus Terrestris (scientific name: Tribulus Terrestris L.) is also known as white Terrestris, thorn Terrestris, quren, etc.

Tribulus Terrestris has long been used by urologists to improve male sexual dysfunction. This precious herb can effectively increase the blood flow in the hemocoel of the penis and achieve a strong erection. According to a research report by the National College of Medicine in Singapore, Tribulus Terrestris can rapidly increase the content of testosterone in the body and improve erectile function.

Tribulus terrestris extract

In recent years, sports health nutrition products with Tribulus Terrestris extract as the main ingredient are very popular in European and American markets, and are favored by many sports athletes and bodybuilders. Tribulus Terrestris is a perennial vine plant that grows in tropical and subtropical regions, China, South Asia, India, Africa, Eastern Europe, and other places. 5,000 years ago, our ancestors discovered that Tribulus Terrestris has an aphrodisiac effect, used it as medicine to treat impotence, and included it in the prescription of aphrodisiacs. Tribulus is also used as a hemostatic, urolithiasis, diuretic, inflammation, and arthritis. Studies in recent years have found that Tribulus Terrestris can stimulate the secretion of luteinizing hormone in the human pituitary gland, thereby promoting the secretion of testosterone, increasing the level of blood testicles, increasing muscle strength, and promoting the recovery of physical strength.

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Tribulus Terrestris is not a stimulant and works differently from anabolic steroid stimulants such as androstenedione and dehydroepiandrosterone, which are precursors of anabolic hormones. The use of anabolic steroid stimulants, while increasing testosterone levels, suppresses the production of testosterone itself. Once the drug is stopped, the secretion of testosterone in the body will be insufficient, resulting in weakness, weakness, fatigue, and slow recovery. The increase in blood testosterone caused by the use of Tribulus Terrestris is caused by the enhanced secretion of testosterone, and there will be no inhibition of testosterone synthesis. Moreover, taking the medicine Tribulus Terrestris can help to stimulate and regulate the suppression of the secretion of own testosterone caused by the stimulant to return to the normal state.

Clinical studies have proved that Tribulus Terrestris can increase the number and vitality of sperm, enhance sexual desire and sexual performance, increase the frequency and hardness of an erection, accelerate the recovery of sexual ability after sexual life, and improve male reproductive ability. Tribulus Terrestris can also increase the concentration of estradiol in the woman's body, while having little effect on the secretion of testosterone, and promoting ovulation, thus improving the reproductive function of women.

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 Tribulus Terrestris also has other medicinal effects: improving and regulating menopausal syndrome; stabilizing mood and anti-depression; reducing hyperlipidemia and high blood pressure; improving immune function; increasing the number of red blood cells and white blood cells; antibacterial and anti-inflammatory; Myocardial contractility; prevention and treatment of urethral calculi; anti-oxidation; prevention of aging, etc.

The main active ingredients of Tribulus Terrestris extract (from fruits, leaves, flowers, and stems) include phytosterols, saponins, flavonoids, alkaloids, resins, unsaturated fatty acids, bioactive proteins, nitrates, calcium, Phosphorus, iron, etc. Existing experimental and clinical studies have shown that Tribulus Terrestris extract has no adverse side effects on the body, and Tribulus Terrestris extract is an ideal, safe, effective, non-hormonal natural sports health care product. Athletes and bodybuilders, take 250-750mg of Tribulus Terrestris extract every day for 40-90 consecutive days, and the effect is better.

New findings from foreign research on Chinese medicine treatment of sexual dysfunction: Tribulus Terrestris contains a variety of alkaloids, which have antihypertensive and diuretic effects. It is effective for the prostate, penis, urethra, and other diseases. Studies have shown that Tribulus stimulates libido by increasing the concentration of testosterone in the blood. It can rapidly increase the testosterone content in the body and improve erectile function!

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Pharmacological effects of Tribulus Terrestris

1. Anti-aging and strengthening effects of Tribulus Terrestris

Clinically, it was found that saponins from Tribulus Terrestris can enhance the activity of natural killer cells in the body, and can be used to prevent and treat the decline of immune function in the elderly.

2. Sexual strengthening effect of Tribulus Terrestris

Protodioscin, a single-component saponin extracted from Tribulus Terrestris, can enhance libido and improve sexual performance.

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3. Effects of Tribulus Terrestris on the cardiovascular system

The total saponins of Tribulus Terrestris have protective effects on hypoxia-reoxygenation and ischemia-reperfusion myocardium and are related to improving the body's endogenous antioxidant capacity and reducing the degree of lipid oxidation.

4. The effect of Tribulus Terrestris on cerebral blood vessels

It can increase the blood supply of cerebral ischemic parts, improve cerebral circulation and protect ischemic brain tissue, which may be due to the inhibitory effect of Tribulus saponins on phosphodiesterase.

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5. Effects of Tribulus Terrestris on the nervous system

Studies have shown that saponins from Tribulus Terrestris can reduce the apoptosis of cortical neurons induced by hypoxia/reoxygenation, and the mechanism of reducing cell damage may be related to its inhibition of calcium overload in nerve cells.

6. Anticancer effect of Tribulus Terrestris

In the study, it was also found that the total saponins of Tribulus Terrestris in the alcohol extract of Tribulus Terrestris can significantly inhibit the proliferation of human breast myeloid cells.

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7. Diuretic effect of Tribulus terrestris

The water infusion of the fruit of Tribulus terrestris has a slight diuretic effect and is clinically effective for patients with ascites and edema.

8. Hypoglycemic effect of Tribulus Terrestris

Tribulus Terrestris water decoction can significantly reduce the glucose tolerance of alloxan diabetic and normal mice.

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9. Other functions of Tribulus Terrestris

Studies have found that Tribulus Terrestris has the functions of regulating blood lipids, regulating the content of trace elements in the body, antibacterial and analgesic, and protecting retinal nerve cells.

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