

Dec 12, 2022Leave a message

How much do you know about saw palmetto extract?

The saw palmetto extract is made of saw palmetto oil extracted from saw palmetto fruit, and β-cyclodextrin is used as an auxiliary material. The saw palmetto oil is transformed into a powder product by oil wrapping technology, which is convenient for preparation and takes.

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The original plant of saw palmetto is produced in the tropical regions of North and South America, and there is no distribution and introduction in China. Saw palmetto oil factories are also generally distributed in North and South America. The extraction of saw palmetto oil generally adopts two methods: pressing and supercritical, and the latter is mainly used at present.

Efficacy: Inhibit prostatic hyperplasia, antibacterial effect, constrict blood vessels, strengthen muscles, anti-mucosa, diuretic, and other products. They are mainly used for prostatic hypertrophy, treatment of impotence, low sexual function, kidney disease, cystitis, orchitis, bronchitis, loss of appetite, nasal congestion, and promotion of breast hyperplasia.

saw palmetto extract

Saw palmetto extract has:

(1) Effectively inhibit the activity of 5a-reductase, reduce the production of dihydrotestosterone, and antagonize the combination of androgen in prostate tissue and androgen receptor.

(2) It has adrenergic antagonism and calcium blocking effect to improve bladder function and antispasmodic effect.

(3) Inhibit the activity of cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase, reduce the generation of inflammatory mediators such as leukotrienes and prostaglandins, and thus play an anti-inflammatory and anti-edema role.

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(4) Contains a natural special-effect bactericidal factor - phytic acid pinene, which directly destroys the DNA polymerase of pathogens, destroys drug-resistant strains and kills bacterial plasmids.

(5) Activate the immune system to produce IgA, IgG, and IgC three kinds of immune antibodies in the urinary tract mucosa, forming a three-layer protective film, which can not only completely cure the stubborn disease for several years, ten years, or even decades at one time, but also truly prevent recurrence!

The extract of Saw Palmetto fruit is a powerful natural treatment for BPH.

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