

Nov 07, 2022Leave a message

How much do you know about the linden tree?

Linden tree, mainly produced in the Changbai Mountains and Xiaoxing'anling forests in the northeast, is the dominant tree species in the original coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest in the northeast. The linden tree is of excellent material, soft and white, known as "broad-leaved Korean pine", and is widely used in furniture, decoration, wooden handicrafts, and other fields. During the summer flowering period, the small, dense flowers of the linden tree emit a strong aroma and are a nectar source. The linden tree is tall and majestic, with dense leaves, similar to the leaves of the Bodhi tree in Buddhism, and is called the "Northern Bodhi tree".

How much do you know about the linden tree

Tilia, Tilia family, Tilia is a deciduous tree, up to 30 meters high and 1-meter diameter at breast height. Bark dark gray, longitudinally fissured, exfoliating in flakes. Branchlets nearly bald, terminal buds glabrous or pubescent, leaves broadly ovate, cymes long, sessile, sepals oblong-lanceolate, fruit spherical, flowering in July. Distributed in the north temperate zone and subtropical zone, it has economic, edible, medical, and other values.

The good material of the linden tree

The linden tree's trunk is straight, and the yield is high. The material of the linden tree is fine and soft, and the expansion and contraction force is small and not easy to deform.

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The linden tree is white and soft, with fine texture, grease, wear resistance, corrosion resistance, not easy to crack, fine wood grain, easy processing, strong toughness, and has a wide range of applications. It can be used to make wood lines, plywood, doors and windows, cabinets, blockboard, wooden handicrafts, and other decorative materials, and can also be used as chopsticks, pencils, wooden shovels, steamers, beehives, and other utensils.

Basswood has good machinability, good nails, screws, and glue fixation, and can be sanded, stained, and polished to obtain a good smooth surface. Basswood is easy to work with hand tools and is an excellent material for carving.

In the life of forest residents, basswood is used to make washing boards, vegetable piers, and cutting boards for cutting vegetables. In the 1970s and 1980s, people were often seen carrying a round linden vegetable stump on the train from the northeast to Shandong. The beige wood grain of the linden tree section exudes a refreshing linden scent. When visiting relatives at that time, bring a linden vegetable stump, which is the most precious gift.

The linden bark has developed fibers, which can be used to make ropes, sacks, rayon, and even gunpowder guide wires instead of hemp. The sturdy linden trees are often peeled off before the wood processing plants break the boards, and the thick and large pieces of bark are pressed into a flat surface, which is used as the wall of the warehouse or surrounded by toilets. These are like "wood carvings". The portrayal of primitive life in the forest area.

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Frozen mushroom is a delicacy in forest area, but because of their harsh environment for growth, it generally grows on the fallen trees of broad-leaved trees in deep mountains and old forests, but not all broad-leaved trees are suitable for the growth of frozen mushrooms, and the decayed basswood is extremely It is easy to grow frozen mushrooms, which is another major contribution of basswood to human beings.

Today, the screeching of chainsaws in the forest is no longer heard. The sturdy linden trees in the mountain forest fell to the ground one by one, and the scene of being transported to the outside of the mountain by round carts has become a memory. The linden tree can recuperate, grow silently, and welcome the arrival of a new era.

The linden flower

The linden tree, known as the "big crown", is widely used all over the world and is one of the five major street tree species in the world. The linden tree is up to 30 meters high, with a fluffy crown, luxuriant branches, and shiny oval leaves. Walking under the tree has the feeling of walking through the forest.

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When the linden tree blooms, the tree is full of yellow and white, and the twigs are covered with clusters of small yellow flowers. Each flower consists of 5 petals. The golden stamens face down. The flowers are small and dense, like perfume trumpets hanging on overhead. The golden linden flowers are layer upon layer, layer upon layer, undulating like waves. Shake, spray, and splurge on its rich aroma, which makes people feel good.

The linden flower has a unique fragrance, even if you are not standing under the linden tree, you will always smell the faint aroma. Writer Zhang Kangkang once described in his article "Linden Tree Blossoms": when you pull up your hair, it falls on your hair; when you flick the corners of your skirt, your clothes feel as if they have been fragrant.

Linden flower contains a lot of mucus and volatile oil. As a raw material for beauty and pharmaceutical production, the export volume of foreign trade has increased sharply. The sun-dried linden flower can be used to make tea.

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The linden tree has many flowers, strong fragrances, and gorgeous colors. It is used for garden landscapes, and the fragrance of flowers has an excellent effect on purifying urban air. In addition, linden leaves have broad leaves, star-shaped hairs on the back of the leaves, and a strong dust retention effect, which has the effect of eliminating harmful gases and suppressing dust. Planting a large number of linden trees will greatly improve the environment. The linden tree can be "independently formed into a landscape". It is inferred from the concept that people attach importance to health care and forest health care. The application of the linden tree garden with the fragrance of flowers has broad prospects. As a street tree, the linden tree stands like a wall like a dam, attracting bees and butterflies, and forming a natural scenery. Even if the leaves fall in winter, the gray-white branches are tough and stretched, and there is a kind of elegance in ink painting, which makes people feel comfortable.

Linden Honey

More valuable than basswood is basswood honey. Linden honey, longan honey, and lychee honey in southern my country are also known as "three famous kinds of honey", which can be described as the top treasures in honey. Linden honey is crystal clear in color, mellow and sweet. After crystallization, it condenses as fat and white as snow. It is known as white honey. Since the Ming and Qing dynasties, linden honey has been a tribute to the royal family. The water brewed with linden honey is crystal clear and transparent like nectar, and then put a pinch of linden flowers, it is sweet and fragrant linden tea.

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Linden honey comes from the linden tree, which is an excellent source of honey. The ancestors of all ethnic groups living in the mountainous areas recognized the special value of the linden tree when bees collected linden honey. In ancient times, linden trees were called "sugar trees", and in modern times, linden trees were called "green sugar mills". The northeast forest area receives a large number of bee colonies from inside and outside the province to collect linden honey every spring and summer. The northeast forest area has always enjoyed the reputation of the "national honey bank".

From June to July, the linden trees bloom, and the place where the linden trees are dense can see the grand occasion of yellow and white in the mountains. The forest sea is churning with yellow-white flower waves, and the air is filled with the fragrance of linden flowers. The beekeepers who harvest linden honey will bring the bee colonies to the mountains in mid-to-late April until they leave the mountains in late July. The whole process of releasing bees and collecting honey takes about 90 days. From April to June, the main purpose is to use the auxiliary nectar source in the forest to breed bee colonies and grow the colony so that there is enough labor for the collection of linden honey in July. Beekeepers are like migratory birds, spring and autumn come and go, year after year.

After the hard work of beekeepers, linden honey has been continuously out of the mountains, to the whole country, and to the world. The unique natural resources and long history of beekeeping have accumulated and inherited the classic of linden honey for thousands of years.

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The bee is also in harmony with the linden tree, it knows when the flowers are blooming and when it arrives. Pollen is carried from one tree to another by bees, and nectar is carried from one place to another. The golden yellow that was still blooming just now turned into a transparent liquid after changing the environment. The taste is still the same, but it is brighter than the flowers.

The fresh natural environment in the deep mountains has created the linden tree honey, pure and nutritious, and has been welcomed and praised by consumers at home and abroad for many years. As one of the country's important export commodities, linden honey enjoys a high reputation in the international market.

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The Linden tree is a precious tree species in the country, and it is also an important economic tree species in the country. Not only that, the linden tree has played an irreplaceable role in maintaining the reproduction of animal populations and purifying the ecological environment and ecological balance of nature. Nectar is the link between plants and biological pollinators, and linden is the supplier of energy for many beneficial insects. The rich nutrients contained in nectar can promote the growth and development of insects, and the nectar of linden trees enables hundreds of species of insects that can visit and pollinate economic plants to survive.

The Buddha's Edge of the Linden Tree

Since the Tang Dynasty, Buddhism has been widely spread in the Central Plains. Because the shape of the leaves of the linden tree is similar to the original Bodhi tree in Buddhism, it has also been mistakenly called the "Bodhi tree" by the people. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, the capital city of Beijing had a cold climate, which was not suitable for the growth of authentic linden trees. The emperor simply made a mistake and used a similar shape of the linden (a kind of linden tree, also known as small leaf linden) to take the name of the linden tree and planted two trees. Next to the Yinghua Hall of the Forbidden City. Emperor Qianlong also wrote a poem for this purpose, in which there is a sentence "I have heard that the bodhi seed, everything has a leader, this tree is unique in its name, and everything is equal." According to legend, the mature fruits of these two linden trees are also called "five-line bodhi seeds", and the price of the beads is quite expensive.

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The linden tree benefits from the culture of the linden tree, and the "linden tree" in Tiantai Mountain, Zhejiang is also a linden tree. In Japan and Korea, the linden tree is regarded as a linden tree. After Buddhism was introduced into Europe, the linden tree could not be planted due to the cold climate in Europe. The Linden tree is the most commonly used street tree and decorative tree in urban streets in Germany, and it is also a symbol of the ancient city. The most famous is a street full of linden trees, called Berlin Linden Street, where countless people walk under the "linden tree" every day. , a romantic story.

Although different regions also have the custom of replacing the linden tree with other tree species, the linden tree is called the "northern linden tree" because of its leaves that are closest to the linden tree and its excellent characteristics and has the most extensive influence. Stand humbly in front of the linden tree, travel through time and space, and become enlightened. People attach importance to the Bodhi tree because they study Buddhism. Whether it is this Bodhi tree, that Bodhi tree, or a linden tree, as long as people see the tree, they feel happy, and then they learn Buddhism and even realize the Way, so why should they be attached to which one? What about the real Bodhi tree? There are no trees in Bodhi, every tree is a Bodhi tree, and everyone has a Bodhi tree.

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Linden leaves are the wrapping material for glass leaf cakes, a traditional Northeastern cuisine. The batter is smeared on the leaves and then filled with stuffing. The steamed cakes have the fragrance of linden leaves, which also reflects the wisdom of the working people. "Glass Leaf Cake" is Manchu food. Jilin City farmers hold the Glass Leaf Cake Festival to inherit the sacrificial culture of the "Insect King Festival". The "Glass Leaf Cake" festival not only enjoys delicious food, and appreciates labor, but also inherits history and culture.

Dedication is the spiritual quality of the linden tree. It uses wood, nectar, food, avenues, and temple planting. It has a wide range of applications and is close to people's lives everywhere. The linden tree is associated with the Buddha, and where the linden tree is planted, people treat each other as equals and respect each other. The linden tree is regarded as the linden tree of the northern temperate zone, which is a clever mistake, a successful "wrong" translation.

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