

Nov 02, 2022Leave a message

What are the benefits and functions of soy milk?

Soy milk generally refers to a drink made of soybeans (soybeans), which are swelled, ground and slag removed, and then boiled. It originated in the Western Han Dynasty. Soy milk is nutritious and easy to absorb. It is a nutritional product for all ages and is very suitable for breakfast with other foods.

What are the benefits and functions of soy milk

Nutritional value of soy milk

Soy milk is rich in vegetable protein, soy isoflavones, dietary fiber, phospholipids, vitamins B1, and B2, vitamin A, vitamin E, carotene, amino acids, soybean oligosaccharides, phytosterols, saponins, active peptides, niacin and trace elements Calcium, iron, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, selenium, etc. Soy milk is low in fat, contains no cholesterol, and has a higher calcium content than ordinary dairy products, making it especially suitable for the elderly and women.

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The efficacy and role of soy milk

Soybean milk is flat and sweet and has the functions of nourishing yin and moistening dryness, strengthening the spleen and tonifying deficiency, moisturizing the skin and beautifying the skin, clearing the stranguria and diuretic, dispelling cold and warming the stomach, promoting body fluid and quenching thirst. , wolfberry, etc.

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Lower serum cholesterol

Experiments have shown that soybean oligosaccharides can increase the content of high-density lipoprotein, and reduce serum cholesterol levels and triglyceride content. At the same time, soybean oligosaccharides can also help lower blood pressure, prevent constipation, and protect the liver.

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prevent cardiovascular disease

Most of the fats in soy milk are unsaturated fats and the cholesterol content is zero. The lecithin contained in it can soften and dilate blood vessels, decompose excess fat, promote the dissolution and excretion of cholesterol, reduce blood viscosity and thereby reduce the occurrence of arteriosclerosis, which is beneficial to the prevention of brain disease. Stroke, coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, and other cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases have a positive effect.

Soothing and beautifying

"The Secret Record of Prolonged Life" records that soy milk "grows skin, benefits color, fills bone marrow, strengthens energy, and nourishes food." The soy isoflavones contained in soy milk are known as phytoestrogens. Hormone levels will gradually decline. Drinking soy milk regularly can supplement the estrogen needed by the body, regulate endocrine, regulate in both directions, reduce the occurrence of facial acne and acne, and make the skin fair and moist without any side effects. In addition, soy isoflavones are also good antioxidants, which can delay the aging of cells in the body, thereby keeping the skin young.

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prevent osteoporosis

Soy milk is rich in trace elements, and the calcium content is higher than that of ordinary milk beverages. Continuing to drink soy milk can supplement the calcium lost by the body to prevent osteoporosis.

Puzzle and brain

Soy milk contains a lot of lecithins, which are indispensable substances for brain cells and the nervous system, which can enhance brain vitality, eliminate brain fatigue, improve learning and work efficiency, and prevent the occurrence of Alzheimer's disease.

Soy milk powder and soy milk are not the same

The characteristics of soymilk prepared with soymilk powder are fragrant and rich in nutrients. The characteristics of soy milk are that it is easy to drink and has a fresh taste. From the perspective of nutritional composition, soymilk powder may lose a small number of water-soluble vitamins during heating and drying, and other nutrients such as soybean protein, soybean lipids, and minerals such as calcium combined with fat-soluble vitamins and protein are retained.

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Since these small amounts of vitamins are not the main nutrients provided by soy milk, there is no essential difference between the two in terms of the nutritional composition. In addition, industrially processed soybean milk powder can add some nutrients, making it more fragrant than directly processed soybean milk. Soy milk powder is processed and dried and has a longer shelf life.

The advantage of liquid soy milk is that it is convenient to drink, and it is more reliable to grind it at home. You can drink it directly after buying it. Generally, no food additives are used, and it may be more "natural". Freshly ground soymilk made by a soymilk machine has less nutritional value and taste than factory-processed soymilk. Because the soybean milk machine grinds the beans with the blade, it is difficult to beat the beans very finely, and many nutrients of the soybean cannot be dissolved. If you observe, you will find that the freshly ground soybean milk produces more bean dregs, and the taste is relatively bland because of the beans. Nutrients are not fully released.

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