

Nov 09, 2022Leave a message

What are the benefits and functions of acerola cherries?

Acerola cherries have the highest vitamin C content among the plants currently grown. The vitamin C content per 100 grams of fruit is 2445 mg, which is 35 times that of lemons, 17 times that of strawberries, and 11 times higher than that of pomegranates, which are considered to be extremely high in vitamin C. It is a veritable "king of vitamin C", and also contains vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, iron, calcium, and other elements. Vitamin C is an indispensable and important ingredient to maintain human life. It can prevent colds and scurvy. disease, improve the body's resistance, and have certain effects on beauty and cancer. It has a wide range of applications in health care, beverages, and beauty.

What are the benefits and functions of acerola cherries

Replenishing Qi and Blood

Cherries are high in iron and are at the top of all kinds of fruits. Iron is the raw material for the synthesis of human hemoglobin and myoglobin. It plays an important role in the process of human immunity, protein synthesis, and energy metabolism. It is also closely related to brain and nerve functions, and the aging process. Regular consumption of cherries can supplement the body's demand for iron and promote hemoglobin regeneration.

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Prevent measles

During measles epidemics, drinking cherry juice to children can prevent infection. Cherry pits have the effect of detoxification through sweating and rash.

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Expelling wind and dampness, killing insects

Cherry is warm in nature and has the functions of invigorating the middle and replenishing qi. It can expel wind and dehumidify and has a good effect on rheumatic waist and leg pain. The root of the cherry tree also has a strong repellent and insecticidal effect, which can repel roundworms, pinworms, tapeworms, etc.

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astringent pain relief

Folk experience shows that cherries can astringe and relieve pain in burns and scalds, and prevent the wound from blistering and purulent. It is also effective for mild and severe frostbite.

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Beautify your face

Cherries are rich in nutrients. They contain more protein, sugar, phosphorus, carotene, and vitamin C than apples and pears. They are especially high in iron. Cherry juice is often used to rub the face and wrinkles, which can make the facial skin ruddy, tender, and white. Wrinkles and spots.

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Acerola cherries are not only one of the most abundant natural sources of vitamin C known at present, but also provide vitamins A, E, and P, vitamin B group, protein, and various minerals and trace elements necessary for the human body.

Acerola cherries are rich in 12 phytonutrients: 

12 phytonutrients including quinic acid, chlorogenic acid, beta-sitosterol, kaempferol, ferulic acid, and caffeic acid.

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