

Jun 07, 2023Leave a message

How much do you know about Organic Beetroot Powder?

What Is Organic Beetroot ?

It is a root vegetable used as both a culinary vegetable and a dietary supplement. It contains several nutrients and bioactive compounds, including nitrate, potassium, folate, and vitamin C. They are loaded with essential vitamins and minerals that help treat many ailments. As a supplement organic beetroot powder is usually taken in the form of juice or as a powder.


Facts of Organic Beetroot

Organic Beetroot was initially cultivated around 2000 BC in the Mediterranean region.

When harvested, the entire plant is edible.

Beetroot juice is one of the richest natural sources of antioxidants and dietary nitrates.

You can use beet juice to measure acidity. The juice turns pink when added to an acidic solution, and turns yellow when added to an alkali.


Benefits of organic beetroot powder

improve exercise performance and support energy levels

Studies support this with findings reporting that when athletes add beetroot juice to their regime it may support exercise endurance and improve performance. It also aids recovery because when muscles are in a resting state, the nitrates in beetroot help to bring more oxygen to the muscle cells helping muscles recover more efficiently.

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May Help Treat Anemia

We know the deficiency of iron causes anemia. It has been found that beets are rich in iron, and the absorption of iron is better from beetroot than few other vegetables. The folate in beets may also help in anemia treatment.


Increases The Levels Of Antioxidants

This can be attributed to the presence of polyphenols and betalains – compounds in beetroot that offer it its antioxidant properties. As per a study, the betalain pigment in beets has potent anti-inflammatory properties. These properties help treat oxidative stress and improve cognition.

The antioxidants that are abundant in beets may improve the body’s antioxidant status and immune system.


Can Aid Digestion

What are the benefits of eating beets regularly? Study says beet or beet products have been found to improve digestion and blood quality.

In fact, red beets have a prominent place in history when it comes to abdominal health. It is believed that Romans used beets to treat constipation and other related ailments.As they are rich in fiber, beets may help treat diverticulitis. It was found that populations ingesting high amounts of fiber had lower incidences of diverticulitis. Fiber also aids bowel movement and enhances the overall health of the digestive system.

Supports brain health

Older studies indicate that daily supplementation of 450ml of beetroot juice increased blood flow to the part of the brain we rely on for some of our memory functions, and also the ability to switch between tasks quickly.

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