

Sep 23, 2022Leave a message

What are the benefits and functions of plums?

Plums are a kind of fruit that we can often see in the market. The taste of plums is very sweet and sour, so there are many people who like to eat plums, and eating plums is very helpful to our health. So the efficacy and role of plums? The taboo of eating plums?

What are the benefits and functions of plums1

The efficacy and role of plum

1. It is beneficial to cardiovascular health. Plums are rich in antioxidants such as anthocyanins and vitamin C, which can effectively prevent blood stasis, maintain smooth blood circulation, and reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke;

2. It has an effect on beauty and beauty. The most effective one should be Lihua. Lihua is white and beautiful, simple and pure, and has a bitter and fragrant taste. It can be used externally to remove acne and make the face shiny. Plum wine was called a color-stopping wine in ancient times. Beauty and anti-aging. Grind the plum kernels and apply eggs to the face to remove some dark spots on the face;

3. Promote digestion. Plums can promote the secretion of gastric acid and digestive enzymes, and have the effect of increasing gastrointestinal motility. Therefore, eating a little plum can promote digestion and increase appetite. Good product;

4. Helps improve the symptoms of anemia and dizziness. The pulp is not only rich in amino acids but also rich in beta-carotene, potassium, and iron, which can effectively improve symptoms such as anemia and dizziness. In addition, the vitamin B12 contained in plums can promote the regeneration of hemoglobin. The role of anemia, moderate consumption of plums, is of great benefit to health;

5. It has the functions of diuresis, drainage, and antitussive. Plums are sweet, sour, and flat in nature, clearing away heat and invigorating body fluid, and invigorating the stomach. Plum kernels contain almonds and a large amount of fatty oil. Pharmacologically, it has been confirmed that it has significant diuretic and water-reducing effects. It also has the effect of relieving cough and expectorating phlegm.

Plums have good edible effects and are also a kind of fruit that people prefer. However, they are acidic and should not be eaten in large quantities. Excessive consumption of plums may damage the spleen, stomach, and teeth. It is best not to drink a lot of water immediately after eating plums, otherwise, it will cause symptoms such as stomach pain or diarrhea. Plums contain a high amount of fruit acids, and eating too much may damage the spleen and stomach, as well as cause stomach pains, gastric ulcers, and acute and chronic gastroenteritis. In addition, people with spleen deficiency and phlegm dampness and children should not eat more plums.

What are the benefits and functions of plums2

The taboo of eating plums

1. Do not eat high-calcium foods. Plums are acidic fruit with high amounts of fruit acids. Eating plums and some high-calcium foods at the same time can cause a calcium reaction that severely reduces calcium absorption.

2, can not be eaten with sour fruit. Plums contain a lot of fruit acid, which will stimulate the stomach after eating. If you eat some other sour fruits and increase the intake of acid, it will stimulate the gastrointestinal tract more, and in severe cases, it will lead to acute and chronic gastrointestinal ulcers, gastrointestinal bleeding, and other symptoms.

3. Not suitable for people with indigestion. Plums are rich in fruit acids, which are easy to irritate the stomach. Therefore, plums should not be eaten on an empty stomach. Excessive consumption can easily lead to stomach pains in people with poor digestion. Also, people with peptic ulcers should avoid eating plums.

4. Excessive consumption of plums will damage the spleen, stomach, and teeth, so people with spleen deficiency and children should not eat more. Although plums are delicious and nutritious, they should not be eaten too much or they can cause intestinal discomfort.

What are the benefits and functions of plums

Nutritional value of plums

The nutritional value of plums is as follows: The first one is to promote digestion, because plums can promote the secretion of gastric acid and gastric digestive enzymes, and can also increase gastric motility, thereby promoting digestion, and can also enhance appetite and treat gastric acid. Lack, of fullness after eating. The second is to clear the liver and diuretic water because plums are rich in amino acids, and there are many kinds, which is very helpful for the treatment of liver cirrhosis ascites. The third one is blood pressure and drainage because plums are rich in fatty oils, which can be diuretic and reduce blood pressure.

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