

Sep 26, 2022Leave a message

What are the benefits and functions of watermelon seeds?

1. Watermelon seeds are rich in protein, fatty acid, vitamin B group, vitamin E, potassium, iron, selenium, and other nutrients, which have the effect of clearing the lungs and resolving phlegm, and have an auxiliary curative effect on the cough with excessive phlegm and hemoptysis;

What are the benefits and functions of watermelon seeds

2. Watermelon seeds are rich in oil and have the effect of strengthening the stomach and are laxative. If you have no appetite or constipation, you may as well eat some seeds such as watermelon seeds;

3. Contains unsaturated fatty acids, has the effect of lowering blood pressure, helps to prevent arteriosclerosis, relieves symptoms such as acute cystitis, and is a snack suitable for hypertensive patients;

4. Watermelon seeds have the function of hemostasis.

Fresh watermelon seeds are often fried or cooked and eaten after drying. They are rich in nutrients and have a wide range of functions. They can help frail women supplement protein, help children supplement zinc and iron, and also help prevent arteriosclerosis in the elderly. It is a very popular snack.

What are the benefits and functions of watermelon seeds1

【Nutritional value】

1. Watermelon seeds are rich in protein, fatty acids, B vitamins, calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, selenium, and other nutrients, which have the effect of clearing the lungs and resolving phlegm, and have auxiliary effects on cough and hemoptysis.

2. Watermelon seeds are rich in oil and have the effect of strengthening the stomach and are laxative. If you have no appetite or constipation, you may as well eat some seeds such as watermelon seeds;

3. Contains unsaturated fatty acids, has the effect of lowering blood pressure and helps prevent arteriosclerosis. It is a snack suitable for hypertensive patients.

【Eating effect】

Watermelon seeds are sweet and cold in nature, beneficial to the lungs, moisten the intestines, stop bleeding, strengthen the stomach, and lower blood pressure.

【For people】

It can be eaten by the general population; it is not suitable for infants and young children to avoid danger to the trachea when it is dropped.

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