

Nov 21, 2022Leave a message

What are the benefits and functions of kale?

A variety of cabbage, kale is a kale plant with green or purple leaves that look like pretty flowers and is often grown as an ornamental.

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Kale has the effect of preventing constipation. It contains a lot of dietary fiber, which can relieve constipation and supplement the collagen needed for beauty. Finally, it can fight cancer and inhibit tumors. It is rich in sulfur ligands and chlorophyll and has anti-cancer effects.

What is kale called again?

Kale is also known as green leafy cabbage, leaf peony, and cauliflower. Generally, most people call it kale.

What are the benefits and functions of kale

The leaves of kale are rich and varied in shape, and the edges of the leaves appear in different colors such as purple, green, red, and pink. The plant type is very similar to the peony, so it is also called "leaf peony". It is an excellent flower plant for urban greening and beautification and indoor potted ornamental plants. And as a food, it is nutritious and very popular.

The efficacy and role of kale:

1. Lose weight

Kale is rich in a variety of nutrients, among which iron can increase the oxygen content in the blood, inhibit the production of fat, and has a good weight loss effect.

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2. Prevention of colds

Kale can prevent and treat colds and relieve sore throats caused by colds. Eating kale in autumn and winter can prevent sore throat.

Suitable for arthritis sufferers in a way.

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3. Keep fit

Kale is rich in various nutrients, all of which are indispensable nutrients for the body. Rich in vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B complex, and so on. It has a significant effect on supplementing human nutrition. Regular consumption can enhance people's vitality, improve the body's immunity, and play a role in strengthening the body.

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4. Maintain your eyes

Kale contains a lot of folic acids, which can prevent macular degeneration, and is a natural sunglass; in addition, the content of β-carotene is equivalent to that of carrots, which can be converted into vitamin A in the body, promoting the production of rhodopsin, and prevent night blindness and eye fatigue.

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5. Skincare and immunity enhancement

Kale contains collagen, which accounts for about 30% of human protein. It is the adhesive between cells and maintains the health of the skin, blood vessels, and bones. Vitamin C is an indispensable raw material for collagen production; the vitamin C content of kale is the same as Cauliflower. Rich in β-carotene not only helps restore vision but also protects the health of the skin and mucous membranes and prevents the invasion of pathogenic bacteria.

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6. Anti-cancer

Kale also contains potential cancer-fighting properties; it contains glucosides, which are natural sulfur compounds that break down during digestion to form active compounds indole and isothiocyanate, both of which help detoxify the body and can Play an anti-inflammatory effect and protect DNA cells from damage.

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The vitamin C in kale may also reduce inflammation, boost your immune system, fight oxidative stress, and help prevent cancer and other diseases.

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