

Jul 11, 2023Leave a message

How much do you know about Organic Perilla Seed Protein Powder?

Organic Perilla Seed Protein Powder is a vegetable protein powder obtained by processing and extracting perilla seeds. Perilla seed is a nutrient-rich plant, and its seeds are rich in protein and other nutrients, so it is extracted as protein powder for people to eat.

And perilla is an annual herb with a distinctive aroma and taste that has been grown in Asia for centuries. It is the purple-leafed variety of the more familiar green perilla, known in Japanese as shiso. They are often used to flavor soups, stews, and roasts. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, it’s also known as the beefsteak plant, may treat everything from canker sores to stomach ailments. Although science has some ways to go before it properly assesses the health benefits of it, this herb might just be your key to better well-being. There are some benefits of organic perilla seed protein powder as following .


Support Brain Health and Manage Depression

Researchers have found that the alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) in organic perilla seed protein powder could aid in lowering depression. That’s because ALA fights disease-causing free radicals, reduces inflammation, and potentially protects brain cells from conditions like Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, and stroke.

Increase Respiratory Health

A study published in the International Archives of Allergy and Immunology reports that a four-week treatment with perilla seeds increases lung capacity significantly in patients with asthma. This may be due to the generous amount of quercetin, luteolin, and rosmarinic acid in the perilla plant. Higher lung capacity supports and is indicative of overall respiratory health.

Ease Stomach and Intestinal Discomfort

Research shows that organic perilla seed protein powder can reduce feelings of bloating, gas, and uncomfortable fullness. They do this by strengthening the lower esophageal sphincter (which prevents acid reflux) and easing cramps with high levels of flavonoids, rosmarinic acid, and caffeic acid.

Support Immunity

Organic perilla seed protein powder contains compounds that support the overall function of the immune system. During the winter months, reach for this supplement to maintain stronger immunity against colds, fever, chills, headache, stuffy nose, and allergies. And using perilla oil for cooking may be a good preventive measure during the flu season.


Improves wellbeing

Organic perilla seed protein powder consists of Rosmarinic and Caffeic Acid, which have been recognized as having antidepressant qualities, therefore helping relieve .stress and anxiety issues. This is also used in aromatherapy to help people relax and let go of any tension they tend to harbor and feel.

Great for Problem Skin

It is also used in cosmetics and works great for problem skin. With all the anti-inflammatory qualities, antioxidants, antibacterial, and the ability to help retain more water in the skin it works wonders for healing rashes, and acne, and helps to get rid of wrinkles and create youthful great-looking skin.

Decrease stomach and intestinal discomfort

It is especially important for this function, as it consists of flavonoids, rosmarinic acid, and caffeic acid. Research has shown that it can help improve bloating, the passage of gas, rumbling, and feeling of fullness shortly after starting to take an extract through prokinetic (helps strengthen the lower esophageal sphincter, thus preventing acid reflux) and antispasmodic (prevents and decreases cramping) effects.

In conclusion, organic perilla seed protein powder has become a very popular nutritional supplement due to its multiple benefits and applications.

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