

Jun 29, 2023Leave a message

How much do you know about Organic Lentil Protein?

What is organic lentil protein?

Organic lentil protein is a vegetable protein derived from organic lentils.Lentils have been a staple of Middle Eastern and Indian cuisine for thousands of years. In fact, these pulses go back to Neolithic times and are believed to be one of the oldest crops there is.Records show that in the Near East, they were eaten as far back as 6,000 to 13,000 years ago.It’s so amazing!This means you can find them in some of their most well-known dishs, such as dal, Ethiopian stew and Egyptian koshari.


Benefits of organic lentil protein

Organic lentil protein can help us to build and maintain our muscles, bones and skin. It can also help you manage your appetite and support weight loss because it makes you feel fuller than other nutrients.

Among beans, only soybeans have more protein. Eaten with a whole grain, lentils work as the protein equivalent of meat, which is especially helpful if you eat a vegetarian or vegan diet. Lentils are also gluten-free, making them a great option for those with celiac disease.

Homan says that while more research is needed, early evidence is promising and suggests lentils could:

Obesity Prevention

An evaluation of the nutritional value of legumes published in Obesity Reviews determined that "replacing energy-dense foods with legumes has been shown to have beneficial effects on the prevention and management of obesity and related disorders, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and the metabolic syndrome.

Study authors suggest replacing high-calorie, high-fat meaty foods (such as burgers and sausage) with lentil-based products or combining meat with lentil extraction in the production of those foods to reduce fat and calorie content.

pexels-photo-6187598Improved Heart Health

Several studies have shown that legume consumption is associated with a lower risk of different types of heart disease. In fact, several heart-healthy diets, including the DASH diet (Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension) and Mediterranean-style diet plans promote an increased intake of plant-based foods such as legumes for the heart-healthy benefits that they provide.

A nutritional analysis of organic lentil protein has shown that the polyphenol-rich seeds have the ability to provide cardioprotective effects, including reducing the risk of hypertension and coronary artery diseases. Human studies, animal studies, and in vitro studies have suggested that organic lentil protein may provide a cardioprotective effect.

Cancer Prevention

There is some research suggesting that the organic lentil protein in lentils may provide cancer-preventing properties.Organic lentil proteinare a type of protein commonly found in grains and legumes.

Nutritional analysis of lentils has shown that organic lentil protein have the highest total phenolic content in comparison to six other common legumes, including green pea, chickpea, cowpea, yellow pea, mung bean, and peanuts. Lentils also have the highest total antioxidant capacity when they are compared to chickpeas, common beans, and soybeans.

Both in vitro (test tube) and human studies have suggested that organic lentil protein have anticancer properties and that organic lentil protein intake may reduce the risk of certain cancers, including breast cancer and colorectal cancer.


In general, organic lentil protein is rich in high-quality protein, easy to digest, free of cholesterol and low in fat, suitable for vegetarians and allergies, and very beneficial for maintaining good health and providing sufficient protein intake.

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