

Nov 28, 2022Leave a message

What are the benefits and functions of honeysuckle?

Honeysuckle, also known as honeysuckle, silver flower, double flower, etc., has been known as a good medicine for clearing away heat and detoxification since ancient times. It is sweet and fragrant, sweet and cold, and clears heat without hurting the stomach, and the fragrance is transparent and can dispel pathogens. Honeysuckle can not only dispel wind-heat but also clear and detoxify the blood. It is used for various febrile venereal diseases, such as body heat, rash, spots, heat-toxic sore carbuncle, sore throat, etc., with significant effects.

What are the benefits and functions of honeysuckle

Overview of the efficacy of honeysuckle: clearing away heat and detoxifying, cooling, and dissipating wind-heat. For carbuncle swollen boils, throat paralysis, erysipelas, heat-blood toxin dysentery, wind-heat cold, febrile disease fever.

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Medicinal properties of honeysuckle

1. Antibacterial and antiviral

That is, it has an obvious inhibitory effect on Staphylococcus aureus, hemolytic streptococcus, dysentery, typhoid fever, meningococcus, pneumococcus, pus aeruginosa, and influenza virus.

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2. It has the function of enhancing immunity

Honeysuckle can promote the transformation of lymphocytes and enhance the phagocytic function of white blood cells.

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3. Anti-inflammatory and antipyretic

Honeysuckle can promote the release of adrenal cortex hormones and has a significant inhibitory effect on inflammation.

Honeysuckle decoction pieces can be roughly divided into three types: crude medicine, fried medicine, and charcoal medicine. These three kinds of products are different in nature, taste, and efficacy, and they are also good at application.

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The effect of honeysuckle

1. For exogenous wind-heat or early onset of febrile disease. Yinhua is sweet and cold, which not only clears qi and divides heat, but also clears blood and divides heat. In clearing heat, it has a slight effect of dispersing and dispersing, so it can treat exogenous wind-heat or febrile disease with unresolved symptoms and internal heat. Another disease. Often used in conjunction with Forsythia, Arctium, Peppermint, etc.

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2, for sore carbuncle swollen poison, and sore throat. Honeysuckle has strong heat-clearing and detoxifying effects. It is commonly used in surgery. It is generally used for sores and carbuncles with redness, swelling, heat, and pain. Forsythia, Danpi, red peony, and other decoctions are taken orally or freshly smashed and applied externally.

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3. It is used for diarrhea and blood in the stool caused by heat poison (mucus and blood in the feces). Heat toxin condenses in the intestine and enters the blood, causing diarrhea and blood in the stool. Yinhua can cool blood and detoxify heat, so it can treat bloody dysentery and blood in the stool. In clinical practice, Yinhua is often used to stir-fry charcoal, combined with Scutellaria baicalensis, Coptis Chinensis, white peony root, and purslane.

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4. Honeysuckle is sweet and cold and has a fragrant smell. It can not only clear the surface but also relieve blood and heat toxins. It is especially an essential medicine for treating positive sores. Combined with forsythia, burdock, mint, and nepeta, it spares the surface and relieves heat; with fresh ground, Scrophularia, forsythia, bamboo leaf curl, etc., it clears the camp and relieves heat; with purple flower, wild chrysanthemum, Dandelion, detoxification and treatment of sores; with Astragalus, Angelica, licorice, toxins, and carbuncles; with Scutellaria, white peony, licorice, etc., to clear heat and treat dysentery.

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