

Sep 23, 2019Leave a message

OK Kosher Certification Visit Inspection Of Our Factory

OK Kosher Certification Visit Inspection of Our Factory

On Sept 23rd,2019, Rabbi Prizant, who represents OK KOSHER CERTIFICATION China Office, inspected Nutraonly's factory, accompanied by Nicole Yang and Aimee Dong.

Rabbi Prizant inspected our factory

At the second time of factory audit, Rabbi inspected workshop, raw material storage, The finished product warehouse and boiler room, fuel storage. In the Meanwhile, two technicians from Nutraonly and team members explained the whole production 

process to Rabbi in detail.

After this, we sat down in the office and provided detailed documents of this inspection to Rabbi Prizant.

Rabbi Prizant is checking documents

Finally, it is sure that our factory had no animal ingredients. All raw material has been certificated by KOSHER.

OK Kosher Certification Visit Inspection

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