

Sep 12, 2019Leave a message

Nutraonly Was Honored To Be Invited To Attend 2019 Euro-Asia Economic Forum

Nutraonly was honored to be invited to attend 2019 Euro-Asia Economic Forum

Euro-Asia Economic Forum is a high-level and open international conference for the vast Eurasian region, with the SCO countries as the main body.

In order to accurately grasp the new trends of the world economy, gather the new consensus of the Eurasian countries for development, promote countries to expand trade and open up markets, and achieve higher quality economic development 

and practical cooperation, this Forum will promote the formation of national level, international organizations, large enterprises and local governments through in-depth dialogues in many fields and at many levels. 

Nutraonly was honored to be invited to attend 2019 Euro-Asia Economic Forum

2019 Euro-Asia Economic Forum and International Economic and Trade Development Forum, sponsored by the Shaanxi Provincial Department of Commerce and undertaken by Shaanxi Foreign Economic and Trade Integrated Services Co., Ltd., 

was held at the Shangri-La Hotel in Xi'an from 14:00 to 17:30 on September 10, 2019.

Nutraonly was honored to be invited to attend this significant Forum. Mr.Ma and Nicole Yang, as great leaders of Nutraonly, were honored to be invited to make a speech on this Forum. At the same time, the forum was attended by well-known 

politicians, businessmen and academics at home and abroad. 17 media including People's Net, Xinhua Net, China Net and overseas media jointly report on the forum in real time.

Mr.Ma of Nutraonly was invited to make a speech on Forum

2019 Euro-Asia Economic Forum has gathered the wisdom of the elite of the business and business circles, focusing on the new trend of international economic development and the new mode of financial control, and jointly planning the deep 

integration and development of the countries and regions along the "one belt and one road" area, and promoting the global economic and trade cooperation relationship that is hand in hand and opportunity to share.

Finally the Forum was ended successfully on September 10, 2019.

Nicole represents Nutraonly to attend

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