

Jan 03, 2023Leave a message

How much do you know about Tongkat Ali?

1. Strengthen the kidney


The theory of traditional Chinese medicine believes that "the kidney is the innate foundation", which is in charge of the growth and development, reproduction, water metabolism, gas intake, and other functions of the human body. Through its unique biochemical components, it promotes the body to secrete more hormones, male hormones, progesterone, etc., which can regulate human endocrine, balance the body's own yin and yang, enhance blood circulation and metabolism, increase kidney power, and prolong human life. The life force of the kidney is about 50 years, which makes people healthier and live longer.


How much do you know about Tongkat Ali


Chinese and Western medical research has proved that androgen reaches its peak (100%) when the human body is 20 years old, and only 20-50% is left at the age of 80, with an average annual decline of 2%. In fact, when many men are 50-60 years old, their testosterone levels have dropped to below 350ng/mg, which is considered to be the minimum healthy level in medicine. Usually, human blood should contain 500-1100ng/mg of testosterone. In women, the ovaries are responsible for producing 40% of the male hormones. When the secretion of androgen decreases, women will feel tired, gain weight, reduce physical and mental strength, and reduce libido.


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2. Promote the body to produce more testosterone


Promotes the hypothalamus and pituitary gland to send signals to the testosterone-secreting system to produce more testosterone. This natural testosterone produced in the body is different from oral testosterone. Synthetic testosterone (synthetic steroids) can supplement the body's testosterone, but it can seriously affect male sexual characteristics, causing symptoms such as testicular shrinkage.

When testosterone levels rise in the body, the sex hormones signal the body to reduce or stop its own testosterone production, known as a "negative response." It intercepts these "negative response" signals so that the body continues producing high testosterone levels. Because testosterone production is at full throttle, the penis and testicles increase in size. Additional studies have further demonstrated Ali's principles as an effective and unique sexual stimulant.


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3. Effect on gout


Dr. Kamal Ketuly, a British herbalist, and pharmacologists from the Malaysian Academy of Sciences analyzed the chemical composition of Ali in the laboratory of Rainforest Herbs and found that it contains a natural phytochemical composition of probenecid, which can effectively regulate the human body. Endocrine, inhibit the synthesis of uric acid so that uric acid does not precipitate in the form of sodium salt crystals in human joints, cartilage, soft tissues, and other parts.


This surprising discovery led them to deduce that it has a therapeutic effect on gout. Next, pharmacists recruited 100 gout patients of varying degrees to do clinical trials.

The result: After taking it for three days, the pain of the subjects was significantly reduced, and the redness and swelling of the joints disappeared after one week. By testing the uric acid levels of the subjects, it was found that after taking it for one week, the uric acid levels of 86 subjects increased.

Pharmacists believe that the increase in uric acid value is due to the increase in concentration caused by the melting of uric acid crystals deposited in joints and cartilage tissues. Four weeks later, when the uric acid concentration was diluted and excreted, the uric acid value dropped below 0.42 mmol (standard value); the remaining 14 severe gout patients did not appear above after taking it for eight weeks. In the face of scientific data, scientists affirmed their inferences and concluded that Tongkat Ali has a significant effect on gout.


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4. Anti-cancer function


1) Researchers at the University of Tokyo School of Medicine in Japan isolated anticancer substances from Tongkat Ali. They have proved through experiments that the beta-carboline substance extracted from it has a strong therapeutic effect on lung cancer and breast cancer.


2) A study jointly conducted by a research institution funded by the Malaysian government and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology found that Ali contains potent anti-cancer and anti-HIV (AIDS) ingredients. According to Abdul Razak Mohd Ali, director of the Malaysian Forest Research Institute, the chemical ingredients in it are more effective than existing cancer drugs. In addition, other experiments have proved that the Auassinoid chemical composition it contains can be anti-tumor and anti-fever.


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5. The function of promoting fertility


Studies have found that Ali can improve the quality of sperm, increasing sperm count, size, and speed of movement. In lab rat experiments, pups born to females taking the drug doubled in size compared to those born to non-taking females.


The researchers speculate that this may be caused by female mouse egg splitting, twinning, and multiple ovulation. They concluded from the experiments that greater fertility was entirely the result of improved sperm count and quality. In addition, the effect of Ali on improving fertility is also very obvious. In animal experiments, the male offspring is 3 times higher than the female offspring.


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6. Improve human immunity, increase physical fitness, and eliminate fatigue


Malaysian researchers found that Ali contains an Antioxidant Enzyme (antioxidant enzyme), which can resist the chain reaction of free radicals that are harmful to the body.


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7. Prostatitis


Ali has the three necessary conditions for the treatment of prostatitis:

1) It can significantly increase the level of human testosterone, improve human immunity, enhance and nourish human gonadal function;

2) It can use its unique and powerful antibacterial and anti-inflammatory ingredients to act on the gonads of the human body;

3) It can strengthen the blood circulation of the human body, help the effect of the drug enter the prostate, promote the impact of the drug, and truly eliminate the symptoms of prostatitis.


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8. Antipyretic function


In 1995, it was reported that the Quissinoid substance extracted from Ali had antipyretic and anti-fever properties. The experiment showed that Quissinoid was twice as effective at reducing fever as aspirin.


9. Anti-malarial function


Biological research on Ali began in the 1980s. These studies found that the alkaloids and biopeptides contained in its roots can effectively kill malaria bacteria.

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