

Jul 04, 2023Leave a message

How much do you know about organic onion powder?

Organic onion powder is a substance made from fresh onions that have been processed and dried. As we all know, organic onion is one of the essential vegetables, and it is rich in high nutrients and low calories. So there are numerous health benefits of organic onion powder that are to be considered. For example,organic onion powders are rich in vital vitamins like vitamins B and C, minerals like manganese, calcium, iron, and potassium, and many antioxidants. They treat various disorders, such as mouth sores, heart issues, migraines, high blood sugar, and cancer. This article will guide us through everything about organic onion powder and its health benefits. So let's get to know more!


What are the health benefits of onions?

Allium and allyl disulphide, two phytochemical compounds in organic onion powders have been found to lower the risk of several types of cancer, assist in regulating blood sugar, reduce inflammation, and heal infections. Here’s a quick look at the incredible onion benefits for health:


Improve Immune System

Organic onion powder contains selenium that stimulates immune function. The mineral also prevents excessive immune response, which can have adverse effects. Immune cells deficient in selenium develop and reproduce inefficiently, and here’s where onions come into the picture. Such cells also have difficulty producing important proteins and transporting calcium.


Promote Healthy Digestion

The digestive benefits of onions can be attributed to inulin, a fiber present in the vegetable. Inulin acts as a food source for the beneficial bacteria in the intestines. Consuming this fiber helps your body maintain good levels of healthy bacteria. Another soluble fiber in onions, oligofructose (which is a sub-group of inulin), was found to prevent and treat different types of diarrhea. And the phytochemicals in onions can cut the risk of gastric ulcers.


Prevent Blood Clots

Organic onion powder contain a compound called rutin, which can help prevent blood from clotting. In numerous mice studies, rutin was found to be the most potent anti-thrombotic compound. Clots occur in the arteries and veins – in arteries, the clots are platelet-rich while in veins they are fibrin-rich. The rutin in onions helps block an enzyme (protein disulfide isomerase), which is released very quickly when blood clots form.


Fight Cancer

As per a study conducted by the University of Guelph, onions are the most effective in destroying breast and colon cancer cells. These onions have high levels of quercetin and anthocyanin – two compounds that contribute to the red onion benefits. Organic onion powder activate the pathways that provoke the cancer cells to kill themselves. They make the environment unfavorable for cancer cells to communicate, and this inhibits their growth.


It was also found that people with the highest consumption of organic onion powder had the lowest cancer rates. As a preventative measure, you can have your burgers garnished withorganic onion powder.

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