

Oct 12, 2022Leave a message

What are the benefits and functions of turmeric powder?

Turmeric powder is the seasoning that gives curry its yellow color. It is native to India and is a powder made from the dried rhizome of the plant turmeric.

What are the benefits and functions of turmeric powder

Turmeric powder has both medicinal values and can be used as a food seasoning.

Indians have used turmeric powder for more than 4,000 years. In ancient Indian and Chinese medicine, turmeric has been used to treat inflammatory diseases, and protect the liver, skin diseases, and wounds. It is called "herbal aspirin".

What are the benefits and functions of turmeric powder1

Turmeric powder is a natural "gold-level" healthcare plant, which can enhance physical strength, make people energetic, promote metabolism, remove free radicals, anti-aging, delay aging, prevent cancer, maintain gastrointestinal health, lower cholesterol, reduce cardiovascular disease, and adjust blood pressure. Prevention of Alzheimer's disease.

What are the benefits and functions of turmeric powder2

Turmeric has many health benefits. It can be used as a healthy food for ordinary people's daily health care, and it can also play a role in the recovery of some patients.

1. Lower blood lipids

Curcumin can significantly reduce plasma total cholesterol, β-lipoprotein, and plasma triglyceride, can resist the production of hyperlipidemia, help prevent atherosclerosis, and have a preventive effect on coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, and myocardial infarction.

2. Anti-inflammatory

Curcumin is known as a natural anti-inflammatory. According to researchers double-blind experiments on curcumin and NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).

The results confirmed that there was no significant difference in the effects of curcumin and anti-inflammatory drugs. It is especially effective for inflammations such as rheumatism and joint pain.

What are the benefits and functions of turmeric powder3

3. Anti-cancer, antibacterial

4. Antioxidant

The antioxidant capacity of curcumin is 1.6 times that of vitamin E, 2.33 times that of flavonoid antioxidants, and 2.75 times that of vitamin C.

5. Gastrointestinal health

Curcumin can stimulate the secretion of mucin in the stomach and protect the gastric mucosa from damage, especially for chronic gastric ulcers.

6. Liver Detoxification

Turmeric powder contains curcumin and turmeric, which can promote bile secretion, help nutrient absorption, and deal with harmful substances.

It can regulate liver function and improve liver disease.

7. Treat Allergies

Turmeric has been experimentally confirmed that it has the effect of removing active oxygen, and it is used to treat diseases such as congenital allergies and rhinitis, and the effect is obvious.

8. Beauty and beauty

Turmeric powder is a treasure trove of minerals, rich in calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, and more.

It can increase hemoglobin and myoglobin, adjust the autonomic nervous system, maintain water in the body, ensure smooth metabolism of protein, and improve skin tone.

What are the benefits and functions of turmeric powder4

Spread the knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine and promote the culture of traditional Chinese medicine!

Turmeric powder is the powder made from the dried rhizomes of turmeric, a perennial and fragrant herb, which has both medicinal values and can be used as a food seasoning. Lightly spicy, slightly peppery, musky, and a mixture of sweet orange and ginger, slightly spicy and bitter.

What are the benefits and functions of turmeric powder5

The efficacy and role of turmeric powder

Benefits of Turmeric Powder:

Efficacy: heart disease, invigorating the spleen, reconciling the stomach, nourishing the kidney, strengthening the tendons, strengthening the bones, nourishing the skin, promoting blood circulation, reducing inflammation and pain, suppressing cancer and anti-tumor, anti-aging and anti-radiation

What are the benefits and functions of turmeric powder6

How Turmeric Powder works:

Turmeric powder can be used to extract curcumin, that is, curcumin. It is a natural, non-toxic functional pigment. It is recognized by many regions and can be added to food, medicine, cosmetics, and other fields. There is no limit to the amount. amount added.

What diseases can turmeric powder have an adjuvant treatment effect on?

Respiratory system diseases, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, endocrine system diseases, male diseases, gynecological diseases, orthopedic diseases, surgical diseases, infectious diseases

What are the benefits and functions of turmeric powder7

Who is suitable for consuming turmeric powder?

Children and adolescents, the elderly, professional groups

What kind of people is suitable for eating turmeric powder?

Healthy Physique Peaceful Physique, Qi Deficiency Physique, Qi Stagnation Physique, Phlegm-Dampness Physique, Extraordinary Physique, Yang Deficiency Physique, Blood Stasis Physique

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